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Reply to: 307 [IR] ICEMOON [CONDEMNED]


Reply to: 268 [IR] ICEMOON [MYSTERY]

  • 12 years 5 months ago

    ..My production Journal.. Jul 14th, 2012 1:09pm.. somewhere in Europe..

    There are not many ways to wake up or get up however we say this stuff in English.. today was my bad "Hangover.." additionally some non brained headlock after my Blowjob today.. no shit this was pissed off.. how can a so good wake up end up like crap..

    — later while my creativity get fuck up for the day.. I go and play this shit here right there.. "Mystery" my mutherfuckerz… believe atfer 60h you will understand why a Intro as to be an Intro of 3:40h’s Artwork.. the why I self understand.. guilty I have to say i never eard this  edition ones closely and completely intensely in peace or harmony.. always when during some chaos fucking shit situation.. I start to believe that this is the reason of “Mystery” what this can do for you is just amazing.. I bet all my skills on this Edition as another.. wonder if this Malakas down there will have the time to enjoy my playlist for this gig.. I don’t see the end of it.. looks like party will end up of September.. lmfao..

    whatever.. I am looking for better mood today and this stuff is a nice “Icemoon” sample.. that just get myself into some good mood.. Believe me or not.. this fuck’in Edition is the “Mystery” of a “Sedative” “Antidote”..

    I start to see more to Archive then I have lifetime.. Mutherfuckerz is time to get “Icemoon” out there and in to Upper Ground.. cause this Underground isn’t making it.. Working for free.. is recognition for me.. coincidently can it be.. but this is the way this have to be.. not the way I want it to be.. Nelson Branco 2012 (ref: My Mystery..)

    to be continue… fuck this I’m to high..


  • 12 years 8 months ago

    How you might wonder can such a juxtaposition of different music genres co-exist within one work and not cause the listener confusion or trouble? But like reality so often is a combination of yin and yang in just the right delicate balance, so is 291 and the convergence of crescendo and decrescendo. But for me personally it is so much more that defys actual verbal description and in that Icemoon is already aware. For those to whom this work is new I go back once again to another gastronomic comparison and just say let the flavors co-mingle and marinate until it reaches the peak of convergence that makes the dish magnificent. And so it goes with the sounds. If you allow it, you will be forever changed until 291 becomes a part of you. Then you will have true convergence as it was intended.

  • 12 years 8 months ago

    ..Ok i post the first or nobody gonna do it.. here is some Journal Extract from 2 weeks a go..

    ..Generation | 291..

    … lost for 6 months now with “291..”looking for some clearer definition to describe a such artwork.. Have done some cuts and samples.. but it end up the all of  it in peaces and bits..the perfect Puzzle or Jigsaw… call it how you want it.. reason why.. rare are these editions sampled in some demo.. the artwork as to be appreciated all in one..

    Listen to it is just a beginning of a pleasure.. trapping you in a circle of dependency.. you just play it and again there is something substentiel converging in to it.. as the work around would be enough to express a such a phenomenal touch.. don’t even ask me i don’t fucking know how i did this that night..

    .. I guess here aren’t many way to get this done.. but i call it “Convergence”..

    I'm quite lost in my note here.. so be aware for the next ones.. ,)*

Reply to: 272 [IR] ICEMOON [SEDATIVE]

  • 12 years 8 months ago

    ..this is something.. I really would not believe if I hadn't written it down.. Background bug file on the stream 272 [Sedative] ...I am back in UK and it's May 27th here .. ohiiii... wtf.. Serendipity or is there some other expression.. cause this is way to much.. the stream had changes..the multiple factors around this event are to just.. to far from let this happen the same day.. same hour.. same environment.. when I was going to write this down.. I found out that there was already some history about this edition exactly these 4 weeks a go.. why things happen this way.. I only can find the answer.. however.. back to today..(was working on the demo of nirvana on it)

    ..Great Composers We have to Thank, their’s music I have chosen for so long now in anyway cause… You give I take I share You Enjoy.. Nelson Branco 2012


Reply to: 290 [IR] ICEMOON [DEEPER]

  • 12 years 9 months ago
    .. the more deeper we go.. the more knowledge we know.. based on this quote.. born this tag.. reflecting the serendipity along the artworks editions.. building some kinda art of Jigsaw.. here again I stop and ask my self.. wasn’t specific to be like this when i first arranged the play list.. while the live composition no either.. at the end i just felt released some nirvana.. 

    Only when we appreciate our own work.. that we progress in our creativity..

    .. some mind limits shouldn’t be expressed by quotes..


  • 12 years 9 months ago

     You hid her for tooooooo long....awesome 

Reply to: 263 [IR] ICEMOON [FUCK YOU]

  • 12 years 9 months ago

    ..during some hanghover.. Solihull - UK.. (history..)

    ..If you guys have a chance to hear this one.. it would be your addition.. with an particular attitude this edition is not only music is all about it.. where some boundaries reach their phase of evolution .. converged in to a bad azz attitude .. taged "Fuck You"..

    ..May it depends how close you listen to an Icemoon's Artwork.. a part from the mix attitude.. this edition have something to express.. related to "Bad Ass Bicth" and "Forever" .. "Fuck You" close the gap and accomplish the Jigsaw..

    ..No doubt this season four have much more to say.. some Frequency born was as well expressed in this edition and it will make faith of future productions..

    I am not gonna teach you how to hear music.. appreciate it is all a matter of taste..

    Icemoon in all glorious forms.. something close to the feeling.. behind my fuck'in decks.. so "..fuck you ..forever ..bad ass bicth.."


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